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Cetbix ISO27001 ISMS Solution

Rapid ISO 27001 Certification in the Shortest Possible Time

Prepare for the ISO 27001:2022 audit now and achieve certification with up to 89% less work. Our easy-to-use platform will help you save costs, time, and effort when setting up your ISMS.

Cetbix ISO27001 provides an additional feature that enables organizations to control documents relevant to information security, including specifications and verification. You can also manage information security risks according to ISO 27001 or ISO 27005, record and track information security measures easily.

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ISO 27001 Certification made Easy

Use the most Cost-Effective Solution for Meeting Regulatory Compliance Requirements

Our platform is designed to simplify your tasks by automating manual processes, and our team of experts will provide you with guidance every step of the way

  • Our service is up to 80% cheaper than traditional external information security consultants,
  • We guarantee a 100% pass rate on your first attempt at the external ISO 27001 audit.
  • By using our platform, you can also reduce your costs by up to 70% on manpower.

Rapid ISO 27001 Certification with Experts at your side

The Cetbix GRC platform helps you set up your globally certified information security management system (ISMS) quickly:

  • Reduce manual work by 96%
  • Shorten preparation time for re-audits by 100%
  • Achieve up to 40x greater efficiency through our process-oriented platform and templates.

Achieve the ISO 27001 Certification with Ease

Cetbix aims to simplify the ISO 27001 certification process for everyone, including IT managers, IT directors, CISOs, and CEOs.

  • Receive expert guidance through the process, without legal jargon, from our team with experience in various industries.
  • Our team of experts will provide you with step-by-step guidance throughout the entire process.
  • Benefit from our extensive experience working with small and large companies across various industries.

Actively Minimize Risks and Strengthen your Reputation

Effortlessly create a top-tier Information Security Management System (ISMS) and safeguard your company's most critical assets.

  • Identify, evaluate, and manage risks by examining comprehensive scenarios and potential future events
  • Reduce the risk of your business by detecting potential threats before they turn into critical vulnerabilities
  • Close up to 90% of your organization's biggest risks in just 4 weeks

For CISOs and Beginners

Whether an experienced CISO looking for efficient ways to comply with standards such as ISO 27001, or a newcomer who needs help implementing a robust ISMS: With Cetbix GRC, you have all the tools in one place - and builds your ISMS in a fraction of time.

  • Simplify the compliance process
  • Save time and resources
  • Achieve a high level of information security

Achieving your own ISMS Rapidly

Establishing an information security management system (ISMS) requires time and resources. 

With the Cetbix GRC, you can automate difficult and time-consuming work steps. This saves you and your teams hundreds of hours of work, money and nerves.

  • Robust ISMS in weeks instead of months - thanks to intelligent automation
  • Automatic policy generation in accordance with ISO 27001, TISAX® and other industry standards
  • API integrations: seamlessly fir into your tech stack