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Trademark and usage

Trademark and usage

Trademark and usage

  • Cetbix®’ trademarks, logos, logotypes, signatures, and design marks are valuable assets that Cetbix protects.
  • You can only use our trademarks and logo if you are authorized resellers and partners of Cetbix for advertising, promotional, and sales materials. All usage, including press releases, must comply with the applicable agreement you have with Cetbix.
  • By using a Cetbix mark or logo, in whole or in part, you are acknowledging that Cetbix is the sole owner of the trademark and promising that you will not interfere with Cetbix’ rights in the trademark, including challenging Cetbix’ use, registration of, or application to register such trademark, alone or in combination with any other word or marks, anywhere in the world. You further acknowledge that you will not harm, misuse, or bring into disrepute any Cetbix mark.
  • You may not use the Cetbix trademarks in a way which would cause confusion as to Cetbix sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement.
  • Do not use Cetbix trademarks or confusing variations as all or part of your company, product, or service names.
  • You must not imitate Cetbix’s trade dress, type style, or logos.
  • Cetbix domain name belongs to Cetbix, therefore, it is prohibited to use Cetbix trademarks in your internet domain names.
  • It is prohibited to misspell and capitalize Cetbix. Please use Cetbix trademarks exactly as they are shown in the Cetbix trademark list.
  • It is prohibited to modify or change the names that contain Cetbix trademarks.
  • It is prohibited to modify or change the Cetbix logos in any way.
  • Do not use the Cetbix "CE" without our approval.
  • Use of the ® symbol with the appearance of all "Cetbix" marks in all forms of usage and in a body of text. All products, packaging, manuals, advertisements, promotional materials, and web sites bearing any Cetbix trademarks should including the following trademark credit line: "Cetbix® is a registered trademark of Cetbix Company Limited and or its affiliates.

Contact us if you have questions regarding trademark usage or press releases.


Unauthorized Third-Party References to Cetbix and our Products

Cetbix ("We") enable other companies to refer to our company or products. We are however determined to protect the worth and goodwill of our name and brands from being used in a manner that could confuse consumers as to the origin of a product, mislead customers as to the nature or origin of a product, or falsely imply that we are affiliated with another company or that we support or sponsor another company's products or services.

Cetbix Company Limited may permit the use of its name or trademark by a third party under a written license agreement or permission typically granted as part of formal participation in our affiliate program. If you would like to participate in our affiliate program or become an authorized dealer, please contact us or apply for our affiliate membership online.
In addition to authorized users, the law permits certain limited legitimate use of our name and trademark (but not our logo) by the press and others. The nature and extent of legitimate use are restricted by trademark and competition laws and are limited to the minimum necessary in the circumstances.

Any unauthorized and legitimate use of the name Cetbix and the trademark Cetbix® or any of our other trademarks must comply with the following rules above.