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Cetbix Windows Management

An infrastructure control system for organizations

Cetbix Windows Manager for Professionals

Cetbix Windows Security Manager for Professionals

The maximization of an organization's capacity is the key factor to success and this has driven many organizations to increase their branches both locally and internationally with a focus on enhancement and to ascertain new opportunities.

Cetbix Windows Scanner for Professionals optimizes the control and handling of their field service. Cetbix WSP supports your dispatchers and service technicians to set up clear processes, organize computer resources optimally, increase productivity and satisfy your customers with outstanding quality and reliability.

However, the lack of security awareness within all these branches could affect the entire business and could jeopardize customers trust. To prevent any legal issues, Cetbix WMP 2.7 enables you to have a clear view of how each IT system has been configured. Such as, if their security setups are in accordance with the corporate security compliant measures.

The Cetbix WMP v2.7 is for both organizations and consumers.


- use the Cetbix WMP v2.7 to scan Windows PC for accurate information on your PC, to prevent you from malware, spyware, and virus. Generate results on your local PC as a .txt file.


- use the Cetbix WMP v2.7 to scan Windows PC for accurate information on all Workstations, to prevent your organization from malware, spyware, and virus. Generate results on your local PC as a .txt file or send this information to the Cetbix ISMS dashboard for further analysis using your Cetbix accounts.


Benefits of Cetbix WMP 2.7

Once you have detected all required patches, updates and setups, you will receive a report indicating which setup, patches or updates need to be addressed.

Cetbix WMP 2.7 report will help you to know what needs to be fixed or what is corrupted, for you to be able to clean your PC, patch security, windows and application update, and repair your registry. All these should prevent you from cyber crimes in advance

Cetbx WMP 2.7 as a Windows Detector

The great news is that Cetbix WMP 2.7 contains one of the most used and respected technology on the market today. We encourage you to download and try it out, we know you'll like the results!